February 13, 2023
In 2017, I testified in the House Judiciary Committee that FISA 702 is constitutional. It is up for reauthorization again this year, and in Lawfare I explain why I have far greater concerns this time around.
In 2023 we are only explaining complicated and complex defence issues with Simpsons memes. And maybe a few balloons.
The New York Times @nytimes
#OpenSSL had security updates on Feb 7th & I was curious if the work done on the V3.x rewrite helped mitigate them compared to 1.1.1x
Every problem impacted both 1.1.1x and 3.x
Don't assume a rewrite / refactor / etc. will unearth all your bugs.
If you want good examples for SQL injection, use these.
Auth Bypass: admin'; -- -
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'admin'; -- -' AND password = 'password'
Boolean: ' AND '1'='1 / ' AND '1'='2
SELECT * FROM articles WHERE author = 'admin' AND '1'='1'
Tib3rius @0xTib3rius
A utility that identifies handles in unprivileged processes that may have been inherited from a privileged parent process and attempts to leverage them for local privilege escalation.
#redteam t.me/hackgit/7512
What if Alien Twitter is dunking on the missionaries who thought it would be smart to go to the North Sentinel Island of space?
France suffering from the aliens’ inability to tell the earth monkeys apart.
Faytuks News Δ @Faytuks
what if this is the alien version of shaking ants in a jar to make them fight
Global Times @globaltimesnews
“To whom it may concern”
- vague
- weak
- ignorable
“To whom it will concern”
- ominous
- strong
- alarming
Bing subreddit has quite a few examples of new Bing chat going out of control.
Open ended chat in search might prove to be a bad idea at this time!
Captured here as a reminder that there was a time when a major search engine showed this in its results.
This is some anti forensics style attack. Find the vulnerability in the detection implementation and then operate in that space.
"the slow blade penetrates the shield"
Ravi Nayyar @ravirockks
Ok, it’s just regular hacking, or exploitation… but still. I love it. :D