February 21, 2023
Together with @FbdnStories we obtained a brochure from the Guacamaya leak of the Columbian army where s2t's OSINT tool was pitched. The tool can be used for more than just OSINT research, phishing, social engineering and geolocation is just one of them.
This would seem to imply that there is some lasting impact from these whack-a-mole takedowns
The Record From Recorded Future News @TheRecord_Media
Isn't it ironic: 100 crypto researchers are locked out of the conference @BIUCrypto room because of a lost key
New Research 👉 Process Injection via NtQueueApcThreadEx with NTDLL ROP Gadget
1. Pick random pop r32; ret gadget within NTDLL
2. The NtQueueApcThreadEx call will force the IP to ntdll.dll!<gadget>
3. Return into SystemArgument1 (our shellcode)
🔗 - github.com/LloydLabs/ntqu…
Hardware 1101 : Intel SPI Analysis : p.ost2.fyi/courses/course…
Architecture 4001: x86-64 Intel Firmware Attack & Defense : p.ost2.fyi/courses/course…
Architecture 2001: x86-64 OS Internals : p.ost2.fyi/courses/course…
Architecture 1001: x86-64 Assembly :
in honor of Presidents Day, here is the complete list of US presidents who died from waterborne diseases. 1/
Genuinely excited to find out how this will go horribly wrong.
"AI-powered talking Copernicus robot unveiled in Warsaw on astronomer’s 550th birthday" notesfrompoland.com/2023/02/19/ai-…
If you aren't in the SF/F industry this tweet might not look like a big deal.
This is a crisis.
Clarkesworld is the fastest/most efficient publisher for responding to story submissions (also one of the best-paying).
They have been overwhelmed by AI-generated spam.
clarkesworld @clarkesworld
Zine on accessing off limits areas.
Low-Level Software Security for Compiler Developers
linux tip: "/bin" is the recycling bin and you should regularly delete everything in there to free up space
someone hacked into my netflix account last month and watched every episode of cocomelon and then left me a note
So similar things to what happened in Norway now observed in the Netherlands. Germany should also keep a close watch on its one new LNG terminal...
Henrik Moltke @moltke