Jan 13, 2023
Stay diligent my fellow network engineers! These things are out there!
Context: bootleg compromised network gear in our corporate environment. This was found on the underside of the board. (about 70ish compromised Cisco 2960x’s that were “certified refreshed”)
This got some attention! So someone was able to link more context which apears to be exactly what this is:
I'll add one more link here. This is how Cisco is trying to address this situation and is probably the easiest way to identify the issue (in the event you still have these in your support wheelhouse)
I analyse, and explain the severity of a single cyber-enabled information operation that happened one year ago. I explain how it may have signaled the ensuing escalation/war in Ukraine, how serious/severe it should be assessed today.
This guy accidentally called the cops while he was playing Rainbow 6 Siege
They heard him say “I killed 2 people” over the phone and thought it was a double homicide
Turns out Royal Mail's 'cyber incident ' is a ransomware attack by the Lockbit group. Big question now is what kind of data they have stolen and how good the backups are but I would not expect Royal Mail to pay anything. @ciaranmartinoxf
I have thoughts on this list!
1. It treats “planned” very loosely. An off-the-cuff proposal doesn’t constitute a plan.
2. It mis-assumes the objective of each was regime change
3. It overplays UK agency in some of these, when UK role was negligible
4. Some lack evidence
Drivers of interstate conflict in @wef Global Risk Report. @wefCybersec #Davos23. The part on cyberwarfare norms is quite poor, for example existing norms are ignored and not even mentioned. It didn't have to be this way, but for some reason it is. zurich.com/-/media/projec…