Jan 16, 2023
Supply Chain Attack Using Identical PyPI Packages, “colorslib”, “httpslib”, and “libhttps”


Given that the invention of attack trees is commonly attributed to Schneier's 1999 article, I was surprised to see the idea described in a 1991 paper by J.D. Weiss of Bell Labs [1].
Even more surprising is that I found it because it was cited in another paper co-authored by Schneier in 1998 [2].
[1]J.D. Weiss, "A System Security Engineering Process," Proceedings of the 14th National
Computer Security Conference, 1991.
[2] Chris Salter, O. Sami Saydjari, Bruce Schneier, Jim Wallner, "Toward a secure system engineering methodology," NSPW '98: Proceedings of the 1998 workshop on New security paradigms
Guccifer is out of prison and giving interviews. I wouldn’t wish American prison on my worst enemy.




So You Want to Solve Python Packaging: A Practical Guide
First, the technical: Python is used by vastly different groups of people, some that don't identify as "developers". Those groups often have disparate expectations about how packaging should work. Some don't even know what a package is.