Jan 17, 2023
A cybersecurity researcher went undercover to get the inside details about LockBit — a group that has been responsible for an estimated 44% of ransomware attacks this year (@NPRDina)
Ransomware Diaries: Volume 1
Guy infiltrates LockBit ransomware gang and writes all about it.
Some good lessons in here.
OOPS! Learning From The Incident You Didn't Have
I like this philosophy. Learning from success, not just failures.
GitHub - MaximeBeasse/KeyDecoder: KeyDecoder app lets you use your smartphone or tablet to decode your mechanical keys in seconds.
Who knew birds could stall? Or rather textbook stall ➡️ wing drop ➡️ spin ➡️ crash. I can’t stop watching it.
Canadian accountant Karlee Besse was fired for being unproductive. Now, a civil tribunal has ruled that Besse owes her former company $2,756 after the spy software the company installed on her laptop revealed she misrepresented over 50 hours at work.
"Michael Hayden, a former director of the National Security Agency and later of the CIA, once complained of receiving a “Merry Christmas” email that carried a top-secret classification." - tot 2006 in ieder geval was het menu in de @AIVD kantine ook staatsgeheim.
More mobile phones are supporting eSIMs, where a phone number is uploaded to a rewriteable, hardwired SIM. @Intel471Inc looked at the implications of this for cybercrime such as number hijacking and unauthorized ports: intel471.com/blog/a-look-at… #infosec #cybercrime
Today's post for those of you interested in debugging, memory forensics, and obscure driver communication methods: windows-internals.com/investigating-…
Just because it’s the top result on Google b/c it’s an ad doesn’t mean it’s legit. Credential stealers like Rhadamanthys are faking several installers including OBS, AnyDesk, and Zoom. They’re also delivering links via Youtube videos.
blog.cyble.com/2023/01/12/rha… https://t.co/DiqH2U01Ys
If you're a fan of fighting game secrets, reverse engineering old games, or understanding how things worked in arcade games in the 90's, boy do I have a great Fighting Vipers thread for you! 🧵1/15
NEW @citizenlab report:
You Move, They Follow:
Uncovering Iran’s Mobile Legal Intercept System 🇮🇷
"Certificate issuance represents the one area
of significant exposure for Russia. The near-complete control Let’s
Encrypt holds in securing .ru and .рф sites is startling...it is also a US entity and subject to US law and ex-
port control restrictions."
Justin Sherman @jshermcyber
CTFs, audit reports, research & honing your Solidity skills are a must, but the last piece to prepare you to be #1 is studying "real-life" exploits
I've prepared my TOP 10 real-life exploits to go through in the next few weeks
As usual, I would love it if we do this together 🧵
Unexpected archival find: a British space policy paper from 1982 advocating a UK “capability to damage enemy satellites by lasers…”
Possibly long thread on why GPT3 algorithm proficiency at producing fluent, correct-seeming prose is an exciting opportunity for improving how we teach writing, how students learn to write, and how this can also benefit profs who assign writing, but don't necessarily teach it.