Jan 25, 2023
Inside a Soviet analog computer for space navigation.
This thing is glorious
Adani Group – How The World’s 3rd Richest Man Is Pulling The Largest Con In Corporate History
Several days ago Riot Games announced they were victim to a "social engineering attack". They stated they were being extorted for $10,000,000. Riot Games refused to pay the ransom
The source code to League of Legends is now up for sale online
We are currently speaking with the individual responsible for the breach on Riot Games.
They have informed us they have also stole Riot Games anti-cheat, Packman. Packman is the anti-cheat for both Valorant and League of Legends.
The individual responsible for the Riot Games breach has given us more information
- Social engineered an employee via SMS
- Initial goal was stealing Vanguard
- They pivoted through the network, was unable to get Domain Controller
- SOC detected them in approx. 36 hours
- They did not deploy any malware to the network
- Managed to escalate privileges by social engineering a company director
- They stated they would not give us more information at this time, more information will be shared in the following days
There is your free DFIR report
History buffs: Twenty years ago, tonight (a Friday night, Pacific-time) SQL Slammer began tearing its way through the internet. Impact of Slammer (+ other similar worms) across infosec and changes to infosec policy can still be felt today. The author of the worm was never found.
Building the set “Red Rocket” for the upcoming Fallout,a post-apocalyptic tv series developed for Amazon Prime and is based on the role-playing video game franchise. @VisitNyack @BethesdaStudios @pcgamer @GameSpot @eurogamer @Fallout @PrimeVideo
"Overemphasis on social media manipulation risks both distracting from and reinforcing two notions in need of greater scrutiny: first, that platforms are neutral conduits, co-equal victims with their users of external forces largely beyond their own control; second, and far more importantly, that online influence operations necessarily work in the first place.”
13/ Now, lets walk through a more sophisticated example. Credit goes to @coinspect for the resource.