July 11, 2022
the murmurings linking the Predatory Sparrow attack with Israel have been loud enough to prompt a response from the Israeli government.
According to Israeli media reports, defence minister Benny Gantz has ordered an investigation into leaks that led to Israeli journalists heavily hinting that Israel is behind the hack.
The minister is reportedly concerned that Israel's "ambiguity policy" on its operations against Iran might have been broken.

In "Practical Attacks on Machine Learning Systems" @chris_anley shares:
➡️ A taxonomy of attacks on ML systems
➡️ Exploit techniques for SciKit-Learn, Keras, PyTorch & TensorFlow
➡️ Replication of key results from several canonical ML security papers

This is a very good read, easy with google translate.

RBK's report on how various 🇷🇺institutions, including Wagner, are recruiting volunteers to take part in the war in Ukraine; how they are trained; how much they pay and what tasks they focus on

Unmasked: Who were Putin's spies in the Kingdom of Belgium? (Jul 11) euobserver.com/world/155468
Identities of 21 Russian diplomats expelled by Belgium in April leaked to @euobs (see pic). Report by Andrew Rettman, supported by @journalismfund.
Mirror: hxxps://archive.ph/q1gom


Evidently not just in Australia: "China's global espionage network: controversy around telco Huawei has shone a spotlight on the murky world of Chinese espionage, agent-recruitment & an ambitious programme of extending its influence across the globe"


If you’re wondering why PyPI, npm and RubyGems are slow walking the rollout of required MFA, it’s for two reasons. One is ordinary caution, we want to be sure it works smoothly before progressing to larger cohorts. The second and much bigger reason is support burden.

L3 Harris' deal to buy NSO Group has fallen apart in the face of opposition from the White House. Oh well. *kermitdrinkingtea.gif*

A team of executives from an American military contractor quietly visited Israel numerous times in recent months to try to carry out a bold but risky plan: purchasing NSO Group, the Israeli spyware company blacklisted by the Biden administration.


New —> US officials say 1000s of North Koreans are landing jobs at tech firms overseas, offering a critical source of funding for DPRK weapons programs. I spoke to 1 crypto entrepreneur who, the FBI told him, had a North Korean on the payroll for months.


A follow up blog post from the @sysdig Kubecon talk. More ways to pwn Kubernetes via a publicly exposed service. This time it's Prometheus.


There's a disconnect between the ostensibly high public support for the war and Russia's inability to recruit troops to fight it. The situation in Russia is much closer to the US in 2005 than the US after 9/11. Clear implications for actual public support.


"You've worked in tech for more than a decade" I whisper to myself as I flip the USB around for the third time trying to get it to go in

Apparently this is the very first sample (#Follina) found in the wild. (CVE-2022-30190). It ended up in InQuest Labs. 2022-04-08 12:38:14


Check out this incredible avalanche footage from the Tian Shan mountains in Kyrgyzstan. Luckily, everyone survived. Account: cutt.ly/fLkOldS