July 20, 2022
Ryanair Flight FR4978
The report on Belarus’ rerouting Ryanair flight FR4978 to abduct an activist is now out.
Report PDF:
TeamViewer installs suspicious font only useful for web fingerprinting
NEW: Google found a malicious Android app that was disguising as an app for Ukrainians to launch DDoS attacks against Russian sites.
In reality, the app was malware designed to indentify and track Ukrainians.
Now viral on Turkish social media:
Turkish intel chief Fidan is spying on his colleague Altun’s phone this evening during a presser by Erdogan, Putin and Raisi in Tehran
In no joking:), I discovered like 17 RCE bugs all in a SINGLE attack surface in Windows, which proved one point I've been talking about for a while. Thread.
Haifei Li @HaifeiLi
Justice Department Seizes and Forfeits Approximately $500,000 from North Korean Ransomware Actors and their Conspirators | OPA | Department of Justice justice.gov/opa/pr/justice…
So I was thinking about Roman age/gender terminology (boy vs. man, etc) and it occurs to me that today's supposed 'extended adolescence' is really just the reemergence of something I think about as 'graduated adulthood.'
So let's take a trip through Roman age/gender words! 1/
The 4yo has just told me that 5 plus 4 is 54, and I don’t have the heart to tell her she’s now a Javascript programmer.
I feel like this Predatory Sparrow of 78G of email dumped from an Iranian Steel company is another good data point when it comes to the "total gigs of email" any midsize company has vs. "how much bandwidth any midsize company has in comparison" exfiltration curve.
🇨🇳Belgium denounces malicious cyber activities from Chinese hacker groups known as APT 27, APT 30, APT 31 and UNSC 2814/GALLIUM/SOFTCELL that targeted the Belgian Defence and FPS Interior. They urge Chinese authorities to take action against these groups.
Nice trick used to figure this out too.
What I thought OpenAI was doing: Guiding the prior to increase aesthetics, content filter and "de-bias"
What OpenAI is actually doing: Tacking on "black" and "female" at random to prompts months after initial public access
Richard Zhang @rzhang88
Exclusive: 101 East exposes a web of Chinese fugitives and criminals linked to Cambodia’s most powerful. Thousands of victims enslaved, tortured and forced to commit online scams worth billions.
Out now: aje.io/cyberslaves
If you would have told me when I was five that I would have to go to a place and be frustrated for 40 hours every week I would have stuck with my plan to become a dinosaur
Excellent writeup published by @ESETresearch / @marc_etienne_ on "CloudMensis" 🍎👾
...a new macOS backdoor that "uses cloud storage as its C&C channel and to exfiltrate documents, keystrokes, and screen captures"👀