July 25, 2022

Historians say that cannibalism has been rare in the United States for at least two centuries. But in this Ohio diner, they aren't so sure.

Great, practical, guide on how to write a successful library.
When people talk about why X is great, most trendy topics are highly overrated and the topics in this post are highly underrated.


Huawei equipment atop cell towers near US military bases in the rural Midwest was capable of capturing and disrupting US nuclear command and control communications:

Opposing force tactics, aka. Russian doctrine.

In Riga, there is a mansion built by a rich guy whose turrets are topped by cats with their tails in the air and their asses pointing at a professional guild that had rejected him


1913 German police watch tango performance as training to enforce new law forbidding the dance bit.ly/13nPJD5


One interesting element of being in a very remote place with very very slow internet is it reveals the extent to which apps do a round trip server call for the most trivial action. For example, tapping a radio button triggers a server call before the button toggles.

Fantastic's Ultimate TOP TEN hacker movies of all time.
1. Sneakers
2. Wargames
3. Enemy of the State
4. Terminator 2
5. Jurassic Park
6. Hackers
7. Swordfish
8. The Net
9. 23
10. Who Am I
Chinese APTs: Interlinked networks and side hustles – Intrusion Truth

“Wars typically don’t happen by accident. They happen when countries knowingly take military risks to achieve their political objectives.” A fine essay from @HalBrands on lessons for the US-China Rivalry

Taking burner phones to a whole new level 🔥 @MCH2022Camp

POC @ MCH2022 @mch2022poc

The July 2022 update of Windows 10/11 killed PPLdump 💀😢
Find out how in this blog post...
👉 itm4n.github.io/the-end-of-ppl…


@adenilsonc @sheevink I'm a bit of a C++ nerd -- I used to teach modern C++ to fellow Googlers -- and this was a fun aside I would take students down.
So the 'auto' keyword existed in C and was brought into C++ as a result of being a superset language. The meaning was storage duration.

There are many techniques to help you relax when going to the toilet. Some people imagine the sound of running water. Others visualise a waterfall.
Or you can try listening to the gentle screeching as hundreds of tons of ship takes an unscheduled beach vacation.
