July 8, 2022
All warfare is based…
— Sun Tzu
The AN0M backdoored secure phone was sending a copy of every message to an account “bot@“ on the LEA controlled XMPP server. Interestingly they included the GPS coordinates when the message was sent. That’s clever. The article doesn’t mention which open source client was modified, but 10:1 it was Conversations, because that’s the base client for everyone doing encrypted XMPP on Android.
“without” (ignore the typo, this is the best take)
Five Individuals Indicted for Crimes Related to Transnational Repression Scheme to Silence Critics of the People's Republic of China Residing in the United States
Defendants Include Federal Law Enforcement Officer and Private Investigator Who Lied to FBI Agents and Obstructed Justice
Another user land rootkit. Again, people, this stuff is not impossible to detect. It fails if you use busybox to hunt for it.
I wrote about this last month.
Roundup of Secure Messengers with Off-The-Grid Capabilities (Distributed/Mesh Messengers)
The Hidden Drawbacks of P2P (And a Defense of Signal)
Detecting Deepfake Video Calls Through Monitor Illumination -