June 20, 2022
This is fascinating insight into the psyche of the average Russian.

An interesting take on Russia and Russians by a Russian Ukrainian,@mdmitri91, from Estonia and who considers himself Estonian.


Interesting breakdown from an exec at a US steel company that got hit with ransomware, paid, couldn’t recover their files, got ransomed again and then went bankrupt. wsj.com/articles/anato…

1) The Roman Capitolium of Brescia (ancient Brixia). Fortuitously buried by a landslide in the Middle Ages, the remains of the Capitol temple are a wonder in themselves - but what archaeologists discovered inside is truly unique. Let's take a journey into this remarkable site..


Countries in EU do not fear "Russian cyberattacks" as a "retaliation" for (any) involvement regarding Ukraine war. Correct public estimation, as considering the Big Picture, this risk is not the greatest one. That's called wisdom of the people ecfr.eu/publication/pe…


The “Dance of the thousand-hand Quanyin” is possibly the most famous and most spectacular visual display in which geometry and synchronization create a kind of effective optical illusion [read more: buff.ly/3EJ3xKr] [video: buff.ly/3Hq61iD]

you'd almost think Discord was a chat system for gamers, and not in fact designed to serve as secure financial infrastructure

Molly White @molly0xFFF

I agree 100%. Microsoft needs to bring the improvements around MOTW-based blocking and MOTW-bypassing it has demonstrated with SAC to all Win 10 and Win 11 users in some way or another. Period.
This is important.

Daniel Schell @danonit

"A revolutionary civil war is not an ordinary political contest, but a conflict of ultimates about society, religion, and culture, perceived to demand a total and uncompromising solution."


Or as @ASRust puts it “Most of the disputes between the proslavery and antislavery constitutionalists turned on what the Constitution *doesn’t* say and what each side thought Congress, the president, and the courts should fill in the silence with.”

Endorsed by Solar Designer. Hardened Linux kernel module to stop exploits.
The IT Army in Ukraine rounded up a huge pipe to shower the Russians

The attack was 140 gigabits per second, from IP-addresses from the United States, Ukraine, Indonesia, Brazil, Colombia, Thailand and Bangladesh, according to Anton Kobyakov, secretary of the SPIEF organizing committee
