June 21, 2022
Linux rootkit adore-ng is alive and well. Stealth wrote that code 20 years ago, and it is still going.
CVSS is bad, and it should feel bad.
History of the saying, “when it rains, it pours.” Which is fascinating.
This thread is a contender for best on the internet.
This is a great story.
A look at the modern history of irregular warfare in Ukraine.
Dave Aitel reviewed that Atlantic council paper from a while ago.
Paper: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/in-depth-research-reports/issue-brief/victory-reimagined/
Crypto isn’t broken, it’s bypassed.
Are blockchains decentralized? From Trail of Bits some security analysis on blockchains. They find some novel attacks and do a lot of other research. In particular they point out how network control can be used (by dropping packets) to lower the hash rate needed for a 51% attack. Given that 55% of Bitcoin nodes are only available via Tor, and 20% of Bitcoin nodes run old software…
I would just say, I think whatever attacks they found can’t be that trivial to implement because they didn’t implement them and steal billions of dollars of crypto. Just as a Proof of Concept. Of course. Bug bounty?