June 24, 2022
For some research I’ve been rereading “Unrestricted Warfare” and the thinking always seems so fresh and current.
the new concept of weapons is a view of weapons in the broad sense, which views as weapons all means which transcend the military realm but which can still be used in combat operations
This is to say that there is nothing in the world today that cannot become a weapon, and this requires that our understanding of weapons must have an awareness that breaks through all boundaries. With technological developments being in the process of striving to increase the types of weapons, **a breakthrough in our thinking can open up the domain of the weapons kingdom at one stroke**.
[emphasis added]
Something weird happened in Kherson. There was betrayal. It is sort of the responsibility of the intelligence services to know about these things and stop them. That didn’t happen.
Crapware is the perpetual backdoor. There will always be loads of companies running a device that does something they need which is treated like a kitchen appliance when in reality it is a portal into the abyss.
I love this series.