You want to watch a great discussion on cyber warfare. You want to watch Danny Moore talk about his upcoming book.
A Ukrainian family lived in a basement for three weeks with Russian soldiers.
Timely indeed.

Cyber is everywhere in everything.

Cool story, boomer.


What is happening in cyber policy now?
What Does the 2022 NDS Fact Sheet Imply for the Forthcoming Cyber Strategy? - Lawfare
Crazy deception

Amusing anecdotes

Lots of interesting papers out there. This is one of them

Seems like a great plan
The crazy world of Sanctioned Russia.
Russian Federal Penitentiary Service had announced a plan to recruit IT specialists from Russian prisons to work remotely for domestic commercial companies.
Russia to Rent Tech-Savvy Prisoners to Corporate IT? – Krebs on Security
People might want to say a thing or two about political issues, and they should be safe while doing so.
On that topic, here’s a cool line of research, but note my caveats. Generally for important security things you want to fail close. So pick something simple and dumb that can’t fail open. Stupid proof your security. The UK redacts documents with three asterisks (*) rather than the US style of using black bars over the text. The US method leaks some information, and the UK leaks none. (Not always used, of course, but generally speaking those are the two nations approaches.)

Here’s an example of the police defeating a specific method of obscuring features.
PS worth noting that the way to defeat this method (as I recall) is to open the JPEG in Photoshop, place the centre of the “swirl” tool on the swirl, and then just reverse it.
There’s a pandemic on.

There’s quite a lot of cool research being done on how we function as online-animals.

Deep dive research.