Sorry everyone. I’m not sure what happened to make Google decide the November 27 newsletter was a phishing attack. If you didn’t get the newsletter, check your spam folder. I have a suspicion that the cause was a link to a Google page for Otto Dix’s painting Der Krieg. Going forward, no more iconic WW1 art.
Here is the new Perun, again, for anyone that doesn’t want to hunt for yesterday’s newsletter.

Scorpio: Nietzsche said, "Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster" meaning you should only battle robots because how cool would it be to turn into a robot?

Just wrote about Chinese accounts spamming city names in a suspected attempt to keep citizens from learning about the historic protests. An outgunned Twitter staff fought back.


The Villarrica volcano is seen at night from Villarrica area, Chile. More photos of the week: 📷 Cristobal Saavedra Escobar


This is a pretty nifty tool to visualize file formats in a fast manner or parse specific matching files via grepping

Binary Tools Summit 2022
Check out some of the cool talks they had at this conference.

Did not expect to find an AI engine inside office.
Is Microsoft building a sentient version of Clippy?


Last week, I discussed the risks @elonmusk was taking running with a skeleton crew with @ReedAlbergotti, including no threat intel team:…
Looks like we might have the first major failure to stop gov interference in the Musk era:

Joseph Menn @josephmenn
-… these are national security stories whether you want them to be or not.


“Since 2018, we have done 37 operations, 20 nations, on 55 different networks,” Nakasone said in October on #persistentEngagement


This entire post from @crashappsec resonates with me. The good enough approach is one I see being popular next year, as we've got too many damn security tools right now and not all are working as the marketing teams proclaims


What’s hard in programming is often unintuitive to lay people.
I remember crypto folks saying NFTs make it easy to reuse items across games and the reality being proving carnage4life owns the +1 sword of smiting is 1% of the work of reusing it across MW2 and World of Warcraft.

Alex Blechman @AlexBlechman

🤔 Want a little taster before you commit? Check out @hahnakane’s workshop “Hands-on Machine Learning for Automated Program Analysis” from last December!
