October 14, 2022
My keynote from Tallinn BSides is up on YouTube. Go learn about cyber during wartime and civilian involvement…
Friday's measures were a huge shot across the bow on global trade and the next few years will be defined by other countries' responses. We're at the dawn of a new period in global commerce.
Demetri @Dimi
🎉 I'd like to share something that I'm legit really excited about: github.com/cashapp/pivit
Pivit is our tool that we've been using for git signing using hardware-attested private keys generated in Yubikey's PIV applet (we send the CSR to a CA that verifies attestation).
10th-century Muslim historian al-Masʿūdī (trans. Paul Lunde): 'Of all these peoples, the Franks are the most warlike, unassailable, and numerous. They have the most extensive kingdom and many cities, and are the best organized and the most obedient to their rulers... https://t.co/0VIK84AMCl
It's hard to overstate how seismic this is. I'm told this may be the first pattern and practice investigation into a prosecutor's office, ever. Law Twitter, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Matt Ferner @fernermatt
“Nationwide, police car chases now kill more people than tornadoes, lightning, and hurricanes combined.”
Amazing TLS header leak of Telegram username... Just saying, but this is the perfect thing to do lawful interception effectively...
fo0 @fo0_
L.A.’s Black music community has suffered a string of high-profile and violent losses of life over the last couple of years. In the last month alone, three rappers were killed in the city. Now, artists are reevaluating their security measures.
THREAD: The US Commerce Department just dropped 100+ pages of new export control regulations that will reshape the global semiconductor industry and the future of the US-China relationship.
everyone a gangster until eight pillars of light appear over hokkaido
(literally 2 days ago, Oct 10)
@sakenohime They're caused by light shining through ice crystals that are moving more or less horizontally. The light reflects back when shined from directly below because of a near zero angle of incidence but scatters at any other angle. A really cool effect imo 😯😊
Or, hear me out… aliens.
Norwegian police detained a Russian man on the border crossing point of Storskog after police found drones in his luggage. The detention follows sightings of drones near Norwegian industrial installations.
The satellite internet that was supposed to protect you from dictators blocking your internet is now being shut down by the founder so a dictator can block your internet.
It appears that Chinese actors may be trying to up their active measures/disinformation game. Noteworthy: low quality, low reach—and self-defeating subtext. For if indeed Chinese then this only illustrates that Intrusion Truth actually bites. Also note @NSA_CSDirector's response.
Dominic Alvieri @AlvieriD
YES, this 👉 "Russia is not a responsible international actor and is unbecoming of a seat on the UN Security Council. Moreover, it has no right to this seat. Rather, it was provided to Russia in a deal after the dissolution of the Soviet Union."
Matt Armstrong @mountainrunner