October 23, 2022


A great post by Paul Szoldra on the strange dynamic of Elon Musk’s Starlink and the Ukrainian military.
I must say, the Ukrainians are playing this so badly. Elon has them by the balls and they’re insulting him. Regardless of how you feel about someone, when they have that sort of power you have to make them like you. Ukraine should go on a charm offensive. Invite him to meet important people. Show him how great he is. How come Putin calls him but not Zelensky? Putin isn’t even a Starlink customer! Zelensky should make a point of driving a Tesla on camera. This is the most basic of influence operations work and he is the most important target for influence.







Nice. The return of WW2 style anti aircraft artillery. Of course, the problem with drones is spotting them, not just shooting them. Not sure your best chance would be from inside a vehicle.

