September 21, 2022
This article on how Chess has become Poker is really interesting. It is interesting to think about what this same dynamic will play out in other domains. AI has changed chess dramatically. Not necessarily in the ways that were predicted early on.
Chess Is Just Poker Now - The Atlantic
Oh God this is insane—the 1950s Russian IFF system in use over Ukraine only has 12 possible response codes and they're hardwired, so new daily codes can be rapidly cloned by Ukr air force?!?
Leading to:
A threat with a North #Korea #nexus has been found leveraging a "novel spear phish methodology" that involves making use of #trojanized versions of the #PuTTY #SSH and #Telnet client.…
#cybersecurity #cybersecuritynews #vulnerability #client #phish
"you do the graphics first" "you start with the design" buddy you dont do anything first. if you could make a game by doing a set of well defined tasks in rigidly sequential order my life expectancy would be a lot higher
BIS, a formerly low-profile part of the Commerce Dept, is now at the heart of U.S. foreign policy. Whether BIS aims to be strict or lenient, it needs good data. This means BIS should be a major player in the setting of national intelligence priorities. Is it?
Suzanne Smalley @SuzanneMSmalley
Here are the official #BGGP3 entries and scores! Thank you to everyone that took part in this, see you next year!…
Satellite imagery datasets containing ships - A list of radar and optical satellite datasets for ship detection, classification, semantic segmentation and instance segmentation tasks…
Users of glassess beware! You may be leaking secret data during Zoom/Skype/etc videoconferences. Screen reflected in glasses, then visible during a videoconferencing. School-grade physics/optics sufficient to understand the exploit equations.…
Gerrymandering is so extreme that there’s now a district that looks like every letter of the alphabet. They really took great pains to choose/eliminate voters. Both parties do it. Graphic from the awesome folks at @representus. ⬆️🇺🇸
Pearl Harbor this, Pearl Harbor that, you’d think it was the only harbor my grandpa has ever fucking been to.