September 26, 2022
I added a page about hashquines to my repository about hash collisions exploitation.…
Thanks again to @realhashbreaker @doegox @teh_gerg @__spq__ @makomk @David3141593 @ESultanik @evan_teran and Rogdham for their help and contributions !
Another one for the blast from the past P0 series: @tiraniddo on vulnerability reporting and the importance of PoCs (aka @41414141’s “you can’t argue with a root shell” principle)
A Token’s Tale…
The @CIA in-house journal described HOW TO STAGE A COUP as “valuable” “thought-provoking” and “the most thorough treatment” of covert action to date!
Looking for a Sunday read?
Tiana Gaudette, @galwaygrrl, @cybercrimeprof, and I highlight key gaps in the empirical literature on right-wing extremists’ use of the Internet and offer suggestions for progressing research - all on the @VOX_Pol Blog.
This is another old (7+ years) P0 post that I had missed. This time it’s an amazing xdev writeup by @_tsuro:
Finding and exploiting ntpd vulnerabilities
Pixiv, a Japanese art and manga website that was cloned by 🇨🇳 pirates, has hit back by encoding forbidden keywords and hashtags banned by 🇨🇳 censors into its code, prompting 🇨🇳 authorities to shut the pirated version “vpixiv” down.…
Giving nerds a pause button was a mistake.
Council of the Rings @CouncilofRings
CONTEXT: Granovetter's "The Strength of Weak Ties" is a seminal social science paper - cited 66,923 times (!)
Weak ties have long been proven to contribute to occupational mobility (& higher wages/employment rates).
Having LinkedIn prove that on a larger scale is a good thing.
Techmeme @Techmeme
35 years ago, a little film I made called The Princess Bride was released in theaters. #asyouwish #princessbride ⚔️❤️
From @mironov_fm & @itskhoki:
Brief conclusions:
1. Over the next 6 months an attempt will be made to mobilise between 700,000 and 1 million people. /2
This Russian mobilization is a pretty clear attempt to use mass to stem the metaphorical bleeding on the battlefield through mass, but this is very unlikely to work. A (short) thread on mass:
Clever information operation. Shaping the information space to cause a change in behaviour.
#Ukraine has established a coordination agency "Want to Live" for forcibly mobilized Russian citizens.
Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal available.
Someday aliens are going to land their saucers in a field somewhere in New Jersey and everything is going to go just fine right up until we try to explain our calendar to them
It totally makes sense for Russia to coordinate with hacktivist groups and @thegrugq and I discuss the reasons why (although we took a Ukrainian POV) in our last Between Two Nerds podcast.
Up now here:
John Hultquist🌻 @JohnHultquist
Video of a Russian man opening fire and killing the military commandant in a draft centre in the city of Úst-Ilimsk in Irkutsk region. The military commandant was the head of the local draft committee. He has died, according to reports.